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Total Time (ms)

Max Memory (RSS, KiB)



Wrong Answer

Subtask Results

Subtask no. Testdata Range Constraints Score
1 0~1 範例測資。 0 / 0
2 2~10 n100m1000 32 / 32
3 11~30 無額外限制。 0 / 68

Testdata Results

Testdata no. Subtasks Time (ms) Memory (VSS, KiB) Memory (RSS, KiB) Verdict Score
0 1 0006.0 9332 6692 Accepted 100
1 1 0006.2 9332 6680 Accepted 100
2 2 0006.5 9332 6732 Accepted 100
3 2 0006.5 9332 6784 Accepted 100
4 2 0006.4 9332 6720 Accepted 100
5 2 0006.3 9332 6712 Accepted 100
6 2 0006.3 9332 6700 Accepted 100
7 2 0006.4 9332 6724 Accepted 100
8 2 0006.3 9332 6712 Accepted 100
9 2 0006.3 9332 6716 Accepted 100
10 2 0006.4 9332 6716 Accepted 100
11 3 0037.5 12024 9304 Accepted 100
12 3 0038.9 12028 9324 Accepted 100
13 3 0037.7 12032 9332 Accepted 100
14 3 0037.8 11852 9200 Accepted 100
15 3 0037.4 11840 9272 Accepted 100
16 3 0038.5 11972 9392 Accepted 100
17 3 0036.1 11892 9132 Accepted 100
18 3 0037.9 12004 9304 Accepted 100
19 3 0037.4 11840 9260 Accepted 100
20 3 0116.3 15256 12008 Accepted 100
21 3 0113.4 15224 12028 Accepted 100
22 3 0107.6 15308 12140 Accepted 100
23 3 0105.0 15172 12024 Accepted 100
24 3 0105.8 15328 12168 Accepted 100
25 3 0103.6 15232 12068 Accepted 100
26 3 0075.8 13792 10592 Accepted 100
27 3 0104.6 15388 12188 Accepted 100
28 3 0100.3 15172 12008 Accepted 100
29 3 0055.2 13268 10104 Wrong Answer 0
30 3 0054.0 13268 10064 Wrong Answer 0
Code Length:
915 Bytes
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