
Happiness is not having a lot but understanding completing the square

User's AC Ratio

33.3% (1/3)

Submission's AC Ratio

25.0% (1/4)



Input Format

Output Format

Sample Input 1

6 5
0 2
1 1
1 3
2 3
3 2
4 2
2 0
2 1
2 2
3 1
5 1

Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2

4 4
0 0
1 1
1 2
2 0
2 0
1 2
1 1
0 0

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

4 4
0 1
1 1
1 2
2 2
0 1
1 0
1 1
2 0

Sample Output 3



Problem Source

112 學年度全國資訊學科能力競賽
測資來源:TWPCA GitHub


No. Testdata Range Constraints Score
1 0~2 範例測資 0
2 3~15 所有可能的非 $0$ 面積必能從 $T_1$ 與 $T_2$ 中各選 $3$ 個點得到 7
3 0~2, 16~27 $n+m\leq 30$ 23
4 28~39 $S_1=S_2$ 41
5 0~49 無額外限制 29

Testdata and Limits

No. Time Limit (ms) Memory Limit (VSS, KiB) Output Limit (KiB) Subtasks
0 400 1048576 65536 1 3 5
1 400 1048576 65536 1 3 5
2 400 1048576 65536 1 3 5
3 400 1048576 65536 2 5
4 400 1048576 65536 2 5
5 400 1048576 65536 2 5
6 400 1048576 65536 2 5
7 400 1048576 65536 2 5
8 400 1048576 65536 2 5
9 400 1048576 65536 2 5
10 400 1048576 65536 2 5
11 400 1048576 65536 2 5
12 400 1048576 65536 2 5
13 400 1048576 65536 2 5
14 400 1048576 65536 2 5
15 400 1048576 65536 2 5
16 400 1048576 65536 3 5
17 400 1048576 65536 3 5
18 400 1048576 65536 3 5
19 400 1048576 65536 3 5
20 400 1048576 65536 3 5
21 400 1048576 65536 3 5
22 400 1048576 65536 3 5
23 400 1048576 65536 3 5
24 400 1048576 65536 3 5
25 400 1048576 65536 3 5
26 400 1048576 65536 3 5
27 400 1048576 65536 3 5
28 400 1048576 65536 4 5
29 400 1048576 65536 4 5
30 400 1048576 65536 4 5
31 400 1048576 65536 4 5
32 400 1048576 65536 4 5
33 400 1048576 65536 4 5
34 400 1048576 65536 4 5
35 400 1048576 65536 4 5
36 400 1048576 65536 4 5
37 400 1048576 65536 4 5
38 400 1048576 65536 4 5
39 400 1048576 65536 4 5
40 400 1048576 65536 5
41 400 1048576 65536 5
42 400 1048576 65536 5
43 400 1048576 65536 5
44 400 1048576 65536 5
45 400 1048576 65536 5
46 400 1048576 65536 5
47 400 1048576 65536 5
48 400 1048576 65536 5
49 400 1048576 65536 5