
User's AC Ratio

100.0% (35/35)

Submission's AC Ratio

79.2% (42/53)



你知道什麼是河內塔嗎?如果不知道請參照< TIOJ1355 >。



於是天神規定,3 號柱子與 1 號柱子的移動過程之間,一定要先經過 2 號柱子。


Input Format

輸入只含有一個數字 n(1n10) 代表金屬片的數量

Output Format

請輸出當有 n 片金屬片的時候要按照怎樣的步驟可以最快從 1 號柱子搬到 3 號柱子(格式請參照範例輸出)

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1

#1 : move the dish from #1 to #2
#2 : move the dish from #2 to #3
#3 : move the dish from #1 to #2
#4 : move the dish from #3 to #2
#5 : move the dish from #2 to #1
#6 : move the dish from #2 to #3
#7 : move the dish from #1 to #2
#8 : move the dish from #2 to #3


※2008/07/10:題目敘述修正 by hallogameboy

Problem Source

原TIOJ1356 / 快樂暑假營第一次練習比賽。Problem Setter:hallogameboy
2024/07/25 Update: Reformatted & added LATEX by FHVirus


No. Testdata Range Score
1 0 10
2 1 10
3 2 10
4 3 10
5 4 10
6 5 10
7 6 10
8 7 10
9 8 10
10 9 10

Testdata and Limits

No. Time Limit (ms) Memory Limit (VSS, KiB) Output Limit (KiB) Subtasks
0 1000 65536 262144 1
1 1000 65536 262144 2
2 1000 65536 262144 3
3 1000 65536 262144 4
4 1000 65536 262144 5
5 1000 65536 262144 6
6 1000 65536 262144 7
7 1000 65536 262144 8
8 1000 65536 262144 9
9 1000 65536 262144 10