
想像不出自己 AC 的題目是實作不出來的!

User's AC Ratio

97.2% (35/36)

Submission's AC Ratio

64.3% (63/98)



在一條線狀的草地上,有N叢草。你可以把他視為數線上的N個數(1 <= N <= 1,000),這些數分別在一些整數點上。

A long, linear field has N (1 <= N <= 1,000) clumps of grass at unique integer locations on what will be treated as a number line. Think of the clumps as points on the number line.
Bessie starts at some specified integer location L on the number line (1 <= L <= 1,000,000) and traverses the number line in the two possible directions (sometimes reversing her direction) in order to reach and eat all the clumps. She moves at a constant speed (one unit of distance in one unit of time), and eats a clump instantly
when she encounters it.
Clumps that aren't eaten for a while get stale. We say the ``staleness'' of a clump is the amount of time that elapses from when Bessie starts moving until she eats a clump. Bessie wants to minimize the total staleness of all the clumps she eats.
Find the minimum total staleness that Bessie can achieve while eating all the clumps.

Input Format

第一行有兩個整數N和L,代表有幾株草,以及開始的位置(1 <= L <= 1,000,000)

* Line 1 : Two space-separated integers: N and L.
* Lines 2..N+1: Each line contains a single integer giving the position P of a clump (1 <= P <= 1,000,000).

Output Format


* Line 1: A single integer: the minimum total staleness Bessie can achieve while eating all the clumps.

Sample Input 1

4 10

Sample Output 1



對於範例I/O, 可以這麼做:
* start at position 10 at time 0
* move to position 9, arriving at time 1
* move to position 11, arriving at time 3
* move to position 19, arriving at time 11
* move to position 1, arriving at time 29
giving her a total staleness of 1+3+11+29 = 44. There are other routes with the same total staleness, but no route with a smaller one.

Problem Source

原TIOJ1090 / USACO Gold Demo, 2005 Nov。Translation/Problem Setter: kelvin。


No. Testdata Range Score
1 0 10
2 1 10
3 2 10
4 3 10
5 4 10
6 5 10
7 6 10
8 7 10
9 8 10
10 9 10

Testdata and Limits

No. Time Limit (ms) Memory Limit (VSS, KiB) Output Limit (KiB) Subtasks
0 1000 65536 262144 1
1 1000 65536 262144 2
2 1000 65536 262144 3
3 1000 65536 262144 4
4 1000 65536 262144 5
5 1000 65536 262144 6
6 1000 65536 262144 7
7 1000 65536 262144 8
8 1000 65536 262144 9
9 1000 65536 262144 10