
< cpp‎ | utility‎ | optional
constexpr optional() noexcept;
constexpr optional( std::nullopt_t ) noexcept;
(1) (since C++17)
constexpr optional( const optional& other );
(2) (since C++17)
constexpr optional( optional&& other ) noexcept(/* see below */);
(3) (since C++17)
template < class U >
optional( const optional<U>& other );
(4) (since C++17)
(conditionally explicit)
template < class U >
optional( optional<U>&& other );
(5) (since C++17)
(conditionally explicit)
template< class... Args >
constexpr explicit optional( std::in_place_t, Args&&... args );
(6) (since C++17)
template< class U, class... Args >

constexpr explicit optional( std::in_place_t,
                             std::initializer_list<U> ilist,

                             Args&&... args );
(7) (since C++17)
template < class U = value_type >
constexpr optional( U&& value );
(8) (since C++17)
(conditionally explicit)

Constructs a new optional object.

1) Constructs an object that does not contain a value.
2) Copy constructor: If other contains a value, initializes the contained value as if direct-initializing (but not direct-list-initializing) an object of type T with the expression *other. If other does not contain a value, constructs an object that does not contain a value. This constructor is defined as deleted if std::is_copy_constructible_v<T> is false. It is a trivial constructor if std::is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T> is true.
3) Move constructor: If other contains a value, initializes the contained value as if direct-initializing (but not direct-list-initializing) an object of type T with the expression std::move(*other) and does not make other empty: a moved-from optional still contains a value, but the value itself is moved from. If other does not contain a value, constructs an object that does not contain a value. This constructor does not participate in overload resolution unless std::is_move_constructible_v<T> is true. It is a trivial constructor if std::is_trivially_move_constructible_v<T> is true.
4) Converting copy constructor: If other doesn't contain a value, constructs an optional object that does not contain a value. Otherwise, constructs an optional object that contains a value, initialized as if direct-initializing (but not direct-list-initializing) an object of type T with the expression *other. This constructor does not participate in overload resolution unless the following conditions are met:
This constructor is explicit if and only if std::is_convertible_v<const U&, T> is false.
5) Converting move constructor: If other doesn't contain a value, constructs an optional object that does not contain a value. Otherwise, constructs an optional object that contains a value, initialized as if direct-initializing (but not direct-list-initializing) an object of type T with the expression std::move(*other). This constructor does not participate in overload resolution unless the following conditions are met:
This constructor is explicit if and only if std::is_convertible_v<U&&, T> is false.
6) Constructs an optional object that contains a value, initialized as if direct-initializing (but not direct-list-initializing) an object of type T from the arguments std::forward<Args>(args).... If the selected constructor of T is a constexpr constructor, this constructor is a constexpr constructor. The function does not participate in the overload resolution unless std::is_constructible_v<T, Args...> is true
7) Constructs an optional object that contains a value, initialized as if direct-initializing (but not direct-list-initializing) an object of type T from the arguments ilist, std::forward<Args>(args).... If the selected constructor of T is a constexpr constructor, this constructor is a constexpr constructor. The function does not participate in the overload resolution unless std::is_constructible_v<T, std::initializer_list<U>&, Args&&...> is true
8) Constructs an optional object that contains a value, initialized as if direct-initializing (but not direct-list-initializing) an object of type T (where T = value_type) with the expression std::forward<U>(value). If the selected constructor of T is a constexpr constructor, this constructor is a constexpr constructor. This constructor does not participate in overload resolution unless std::is_constructible_v<T, U&&> is true and std::decay_t<U> (until C++20)std::remove_cvref_t<U> (since C++20) is neither std::in_place_t nor std::optional<T>. This constructor is explicit if and only if std::is_convertible_v<U&&, T> is false.


other - another optional object whose contained value is copied
value - value with which to initialize the contained value
args... - arguments with which to initialize the contained value
ilist - initializer list with which to initialize the contained value


2) Throws any exception thrown by the constructor of T.
3) Throws any exception thrown by the constructor of T. Has the following
noexcept specification:  
4-8) Throws any exception thrown by the constructor of T.

Deduction guides


#include <optional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
    std::optional<int> o1, // empty
                       o2 = 1, // init from rvalue
                       o3 = o2; // copy-constructor
    // calls std::string( initializer_list<CharT> ) constructor
    std::optional<std::string> o4(std::in_place, {'a', 'b', 'c'});
    // calls std::string( size_type count, CharT ch ) constructor
    std::optional<std::string> o5(std::in_place, 3, 'A');
    // Move-constructed from std::string using deduction guide to pick the type
    std::optional o6(std::string{"deduction"});
    std::cout << *o2 << ' ' << *o3 << ' ' << *o4 << ' ' << *o5  << ' ' << *o6 << '\n';


1 1 abc AAA deduction

Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
P0602R4 C++17 copy/move constructors may not be trivial even if underlying constructor is trivial required to propagate triviality

See also

creates an optional object
(function template)